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A New Day 🤗

Hi All,

I’ve recently started a journey of really getting to know God with consistently reading the Word, going to Him for all my needs and just all around being mindful and present… With that being said, I’d love to take you all along with me on this journey because I’ve been feeling like it’s been a huge improvement for my life and i want to share it with people who support me so that you too can get the level of peace I’ve received and grow with me.

I’m honestly not a woman of many words… That’s probably why i take so strongly to art and creating things (I can express myself without having to speak or use words). But none the less, I’ll try my best to do this blog some type of justice.


My mom put me on reading a chapter of Proverbs everyday for a month since there are 31 chapters in it (I’ll be reading 2 chapters one day since November has 30 days of course) and I must say… This book alone has sooo much wisdom packed into it. It’s literally just a roadmap of exactly what to and what not to do. Of course i’ve read parts of Proverbs sporadically through-out my life and even had a few verses memorized, but reading the chapters in their entirety and in chronological order really highlights how much teaching is really in it. While a lot of books are story telling etc. Proverbs is Boom Boom Boom, do this, don’t do this, do this, don’t do this and i absolutely love it 🙌🏽 I don’t know about you but sometimes when i reading through the many parables and riddles of the bible in my mind I’m like “Please just give me the lesson straight 😩” and that’s exactly what this book does.

I highly advise you to take on the challenge of reading a chapter of proverbs a day and seeing what it does for you and how much you learn.


A while ago my amazing sister randomly got me a World English bible from Spiral Bible (spiralbible.com) after hearing me say i was interested in it and i absolutely fell in love. I’m big on aesthetics and honestly will get any and everything as long as it’s pretty… It’s quite sad and not a good habit at all 😅 Pray for me… but anyway that’s originally what drew me to them and I’m also big on note taking so it was a win win for me. The fact that it’s MADE to takes notes in makes me feel a lot more comfortable marking it up and getting the most i can out of it and I’ve been doing just that. ** This isn’t sponsored or anything. I genuinely just love it and they have no idea who i am **

The full bible is broken down into 5 separate spiral bound notebook style parts & can be purchased as a bundle or one by one.


I plan on sharing exactly what I’m learning at the moment, my favorite scriptures along the way and testimonials etc. that come along as I’m on this walk. Hopefully i can open this up to comments so you all can share similar things as well!! 💕

Thank you all for even checking out my first entry && hope you decide to stick with me through this!

-Love && Blessings


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