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Note how although the designs are named after scriptures, the text itself is not listed… I guess you’re just going to have to open up your bible 😘

** Disclaimer: I had originally posted gemstone bracelets with the said “benefits” of them listed. I wasn’t aware that some genuinely looked to gemstones for healing and once I read up on it, decided that’s nothing that I want to promote. Ultimately, healing, strength and peace come from God no matter what it’s through. I feel that it is indeed possible that God gave certain minerals and gemstones a frequency or vibration that benefits us much like he gave us fruits and vegetables to nourish and heal our bodies. That being said, it would not be the crystals themselves doing the healing… that would still be a healing through The Almighty. **


Please remember that biblical references to crystals are symbolic and used to convey spiritual truths. Ultimately, our faith should be placed in God and not in the properties of objects, no matter how beautiful or powerful they may appear. By focusing on the divine attributes represented in the descriptions of precious stones and crystals, we can deepen our understanding of Scripture and maintain a clear, balanced perspective on the role of crystals in our spiritual life.

When assessing spiritual concepts and convictions, we have to:

-Ensure that our beliefs are in line with the teachings of the scriptures, we should always seek the Bible for wisdom and guidance.
-Ask God for discernment and the ability to spot and turn away deception, regardless of how tempting it may seem.
-To get a deeper grasp of God’s Word, we should attend study groups, seek advice from other Christians, and consult with reliable mentors.

In conclusion, we are commanded to maintain discernment and vigilance regarding spiritual practices and beliefs as followers of Christ. We will be kept on the path of righteousness and protected from deception and evil by our faith in God, observance of the Bible’s teachings, and commitment to seeking wisdom and direction from the Holy Spirit.

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